Monday, October 25, 2004

More Puffy Amiyumi

Rangers led the way at 10/25/2004 08:12:00 PM

They're the band who plays the Teen Titans theme

Rangers led the way at 10/25/2004 08:10:00 PM

One of my cousin's died....Fahmi...died due to a of those hopeless conditions where no help can be given...well at least he lived a happy last month on earth as his dad,my youngest uncle, spent alot of time with him...out of all my fucked up snobbish relatives in Malaysia..his family was the most nicest of them all...very close to ground i guess...well..feel sorry though for them..cos he is onli 14(age around there arh)..

Rangers led the way at 10/25/2004 06:44:00 PM Sunday, October 24, 2004

End of Days

Exams are a coming... the final days muahahahaha!!!! Still to receive the enlistment letter.. Hope to get into Army... Makes my life easier that way... hmm exams....first paper on thursday.. IAD.. the most serious paper of this semester unlike the others... dunnolah... been studying chapters here and there...jumping here and there...skipping a chapter or two... having a case of study as and where i wanna study syndrome.. well to tell u honestly... God is sitting out on these exams...BUT!!!! god better help me get into the Army..

Sic Vis Pacum Parabellum...

Rangers led the way at 10/24/2004 09:33:00 AM Thursday, October 21, 2004

Research have shown that if something is thrown, it would most likely hit something else.

Researchers from proclaimed Mexican University, University of El Idiotos Populos , have found out that if an object was to be thrown at any direction, it would more likely than not, hit something. This breakthrough in the field of Stupidity Mechanics has created pandemonium amongst the teaching staff of the university. One professor, a Dr El Stupidos Mypapi, has commented, "This has been the greatest break through of this generation. We(the teaching staff) have actually discovered what could be a solution to the global oil crisis. We might even win the Nobel Prize!"

Well this journalist is still scratching his head on the discovery of the well known Mexican University.

Written by Nur Indra Bin Yahaya (head journalist of Useless-News-Around-the-World Times

Rangers led the way at 10/21/2004 11:32:00 PM Wednesday, October 20, 2004

In the following order....
1. NWI project is over...
2. IAD project is over...
3. Negotiation skills project is over...
4. MOBC project is over...
5. FYP is over...
5. Negotiation skills final test is over...
Now left with one more week of school...and 3 exam papers.....harharharharhar

Rangers led the way at 10/20/2004 07:59:00 PM Saturday, October 16, 2004

On the 2nd day of fasting...hmm...i'm cooking chicken rice rite now....was thinking of cooking macaroni goreng tommoroe too...hmm...decisions decisions...well...on fasting month..the cooking responsibility usually falls to i'm too lazy to clean the the rest clean the house...and i just do all the eh...heheh...sianla really....slept alot today....

Rangers led the way at 10/16/2004 06:44:00 PM Friday, October 15, 2004

This week is the most enjoyable week of this semester...
IAD project is officially over...
Lab tests are officially over...
MOBC project is officially over...
Negotiation Skills roleplay is officially over...
NAPFA test is over....
well...happy arh....hehehehe.....about everything is over.....

Rangers led the way at 10/15/2004 06:00:00 PM Thursday, October 14, 2004

NAPFA test results...

2.4km run - 11.46mins (2 points) D grade
Shuttle run - 9.27secs (5 points) A grade
Sit & reach - 40cm (3 points) C grade
Standing Broad Jump - 220cm (2 points) D grade
Pull-ups - 5 (2 points) D grade
Sit-ups - 50 (5points) A grade

For Silver, At least a D for all stations and total of 15 or more points

Total points i achieved:
2 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 5 = 19 POINTS

I have a SILVER AWARD!!!!!

Rangers led the way at 10/14/2004 10:35:00 PM Wednesday, October 13, 2004

IAD is over...IAD is over...IAD is over...IAD is over...

Rangers led the way at 10/13/2004 01:35:00 PM Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I am bored...bored to the max...left MOBC project to do....what a Poly-life it has been...hmm...well..sian la really...sleepy too...haiz..dunnolah..nothing memorable to write

Rangers led the way at 10/12/2004 08:52:00 PM

IAD aka Java Kill All project is officially over...muahahahhahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rangers led the way at 10/12/2004 07:55:00 PM Sunday, October 10, 2004

Today ish my turn to cook for the family...
on the menu..
1. Sotong Masak Hitam
2. Sambal Belacan Kangkong...
3. Roasted Chicken....

Rangers led the way at 10/10/2004 02:07:00 PM

Christmas (Hari Raya) wishlist....

Asics Gel-1090
I wear US size 9.5 or UK size 8.5.
About 120 bucks at SportsInterLink Queensway

Man United Home Jersey
About 70-80 bucks at Queensway Shopping Centre

BlackHawk 3-day assault pack
About 200-300 bucks at Sheares, Beach Road

in the case that the shoe is out of your of these insoles would do..btw..i am wearing US size 9.5 or UK size 8.5 shoes..

Sof Sole Graphite Orthotic

Sof Sole Stable Trac

Sof Sole Motion Control
These 3 insoles cost ard 30 to 40(maybe more for the Graphite Orthotic) bucks at World of Sports or Royal Sporting House

well actually...if you can get me the insoles...i'll be happy like a fat kid loves cake...the rest i don't really care much...but would be willing to accept(hehehe)...just the insoles would would solve all my Plantar Fasciitis problems...

Rangers led the way at 10/10/2004 11:48:00 AM Friday, October 08, 2004

now i am wondering where the bee that was in NWI class went to..

Rangers led the way at 10/08/2004 08:34:00 PM

Surprise surprise surprise...

1. Project lab didnt open..1 simple phrase... kan ni na...
2. Fell asleep in NWI....
3. Got the gym key from Senthil, met Guorong...and met Ranger Steve..
4. Took the bus home..
5. Makciks are idiots..
6. People just know how to push in a crowded bus
7. 1 simple phrase to sum up the bus ride..Chao Chee Bye!!

Rangers led the way at 10/08/2004 08:12:00 PM

Triumph Daytona 600

I would not call this a sportbike or a superbike..This is a musclebike...

Rangers led the way at 10/08/2004 08:16:00 AM

well..the 2.4 run this morning was to say the least..reach the 4th lap....lungs cannot wanna drop bt 12mins of suffering can be tolerated..and will be tolerated..... ran 2 mins for the last lap and still had to do 2 more laps in 2 mins each... the inspiration came from a conversation me and Hidayat had while running towards Ngee Ann Poly... relaxation in breathing... proper play of footwork at certain parts of the course... squeezing and releasing of my fist during the run to soothe my sore shoulder...all of them pieced together as one...was pretty happy....but space for more gotta remember to poop b4 my run... now for my year long goal of 11mins30secs....

Going for the GOLD

Rangers led the way at 10/08/2004 07:23:00 AM

In today's 2.4km time trial.....the honest swear to god timing is......
0:12:00 hrs....or more accurately as told by my paid by Ngiap watch was done in 12 mins 00 seconds.. 37 milliseconds...

Happy that i:
did each lap within 2 mins...
recovered from a slow start..

Unhappy that i:
did not do it within 11mins 30seconds..
had stomach ache in lap 3...

Next time trial would be tommoroe morning...

Rangers led the way at 10/08/2004 07:09:00 AM Thursday, October 07, 2004

Brian Deegan of the Metal Mulisha's Honda CR250

Chrome on a fucking scrambler..

Rangers led the way at 10/07/2004 08:47:00 PM

Suzuki GSXR600 or more commonly called the Gixxer 6

Purr Baby purr....

Rangers led the way at 10/07/2004 08:37:00 PM

At now...tired abit...well..the ending of today's episode is very bland i guess......probably eat....think abit on the last 2 components of our IAD project...and walah.....sleep...i'll update again b4 i sleep when i have something to let the whole world know

Rangers led the way at 10/07/2004 08:31:00 PM

let me tell u a tale
called IAD project
JAVA and SQL are comparatively dumb languages when compared to other languages like C and python and things like that. Well.. the IAD project is pretty ok i guess...except that Mr Choo gave us mock problems to solve.. This results in more coding.. and when more coding is added to "more coding" that we have... troubleshooting is a damned headache...right now...its really giving me a damned headache...there are too many exceptions in out user registration..and when the sql is supposed to update the table it doesnt and vice versa...consider this...u show an error msg to me..i understand...but y still update the table when there is an wtf rite?

Rangers led the way at 10/07/2004 01:31:00 PM Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Mental note..i gotta shave my facial hair..i dont mind having facial hair...but it grows patchy...

Rangers led the way at 10/06/2004 02:06:00 PM

haiz....IAD....can take it upper the ass...tired u so much..then need to do more..leh mati registration can do.. but when i put a special character error or IC number error...the site just hang...leh mati u noe....interview also not done...lagi can give me like this tell

Rangers led the way at 10/06/2004 01:27:00 PM Tuesday, October 05, 2004

In todays episode of Days of Our Lives...well today got not episode really..
I can't really foresee anything happening today..
hmm..went to NS class....nothing much...just boring..dont really look forward to NS class...wat a waste of waking up going to MOBC classes...2 weeks never also i end up sleeping for wat right?
hmm anywho......i really dunno wat to write

breakfast was marshmallow alpha bits...then i got dad to send me to serangoon mrt and poof...i end up in skool..

abit tired cos slept late...was waiting for a reply on my hp..dozed off on the living room sofa...well..that was that...

Rangers led the way at 10/05/2004 10:41:00 AM Monday, October 04, 2004

well then...woke up at 6...then slept again till 9...ate my alpha bits and went to get some groceries for a while....then i rolled my ciggarete...showered...and getting ready for skool...ahh yes...unusual calmness..IAD...heck care liao...fyp...aiyah fuck lar...left MOBC which i expect wayne to do cos i need to bury the dead brain cells in my brain from last week's submission...can die i guess..but nah...gonna enjoy this week abit...meeting yat later for training..dumz de dumz..probably go home early..younger bro having exams soon and he is super hopeless....

Rangers led the way at 10/04/2004 11:05:00 AM Sunday, October 03, 2004

Internet Application Development 28 Oct 2004 9-11.10am

Network Infrastructure 1 Nov 2004 9-11.10am

MOBC 2 Nov 2004 6-8.10pm

Rangers led the way at 10/03/2004 02:59:00 PM

In today's episode...i went to the cemetary to pay my respects and clean up my mum's grave...and my grandparents too...

7 years has passed...mum died of stage 4 cancer...anywaes...unlike other cancer patients who are fighting to mum wholly prepared to die...she too prepared the family as well...prepared me especially to be a resourceful son...eversince i was born...SGH was like a 2nd home to times she was at home..she'd teach me how to cook, wash clothes go to the wet market and get stuffs throughout my childhood...unlike others my age who went around doing their kiddy things with frens...anywaes...when my mum didnt hit me as a disaster since i was prepared for the "occasion" by my wasnt so bad unlike others who mourn and goes on...

now that i am 20 years old..its like lost childhood i many things i havent done...that kinda thing...but i'm not complaining i guess.. most ppl take advantage of mums...mum buy this,mum buy that...mum go on and so forth....haiz....if onli they knew... mum's grave was slightly waterlogged...the structure is like this...picture a muslim grave built on a slight slope...with concrete poured around it and to top it off...carpet grass is laid on top of it...i was like...nabei lar!!! stop putting carpet grass can or not?....the graveyard ppl really suck man...everytime put....where not fed covered in muddy water from my waste down trying to cangkul(digging) the carpet grass out...anywaes...well worth it...fascinated by the water flowing down..anywaes...after that....wiped the mud off my pants...and proceeded to Victory at jalan sultan where oldest aunt(whom i call Mummy) treat everyone breakfast/lunch....then went off home....the

Rangers led the way at 10/03/2004 01:54:00 PM Saturday, October 02, 2004

In today's episode of Days of our lives

washed my hands off the IAD project...thank you guys for working together...

anywaes...started the day with washing my shoes....while i was trying to submerge my Pegs into the kept floating back up without fail...spent a couple of minutes trying to dunk the thing in...but to no avail...then i was hit by inner voice said,"Nike Air lar to not float...whole sole got air bag....." malu sia

then off to washing my last year hari raya shoe....some classic skate shoe of sorts...wear oni once..then never touch again...
picture this scenario.... an Aliens movie happening in both pair of shoes....infestation sia...cockroaches...and their eggs.....i was then armed with my Baygon pulse rifle(sci fi abit arh...Baygon spray dont sound nice) and eradicated the little dumb fucks...then started sraping the eggs and cockroach poop off...wat a day mans.....anywaes...other than that...nothing interesting......well....laterz..

Rangers led the way at 10/02/2004 10:19:00 PM
I never saw a wild thing
sorry for itself
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself
                                                                                   -D.H. Lawrence

designed by Nur Indra Bin Yahaya