Tuesday, August 31, 2004

When you are caught in between heaven and hell, make them both suffer.

"The act of dying is one of the acts of life."- Marcus Aurelius

4 long years of guts and glory brought me nothing but trouble. Red cards, yellow cards, a LEGO set for a body, the lack of my own free time. Its hard to contemplate why I actually bothered to train so much in rugby.

To all u assholes....

Perut boncit man(some of u will noe)-- u r an idiot...enuff said...may u lead an unhealthy homosexual life of sucking far superior people's penises...

Mama step mat salleh main kat padang bunuh incentre sendiri(most of u will noe)-- Enuff said lah.. gay-ego factor so high... dont recognise that you are black..

Bush--- I dunno y..2 words.. Fuck you...I just hate you... Uber Idiotos Stupidos..did i mention fuck you?

Wan Yang--- Lu act terrer onli... Otak lembabnyer budak.... more to takde otaknyer budak.. y u are born...i dunno y... y u even think the way u think... i even dunno y...<(EXPLICIT CONTENT)CENSORED(EXPLICIT CONTENT)> happens to u so that u make up ure fucking ideas and stop being like a pre-pubescent undeveloped wet booger..(mean eh me?Standard... Indra what..) (oh yuh...btw... i dont respect most people.... respect is earned... not given...)

Charbors who treated me like crap--- well....dont say i didnt try.... dont say i wasnt nice... but sometimes...u r all weird with ure "Oh I am holy... i can do watever i want" and "oh u are not cool enuff like mats" attitudes ... as inhumane and homicidally different as i am to ure "kind"... i still have feelings...

to those that know me well....

Mahesh--- Fuck you very much.... hehehe... the closest friend i have ever had sometimes i feel like he is the onli fren i have.... sometimes... living up to your expectations is a burden... but i try... never giving up...

Hidayat--- Fuck you very much.... hehehe(again)... my partner in crime... sometimes i'm not there to chill with u... dont take it to seriously la... i got to do things too u noe..

Epit--- well...even though i dont talk to u that much..... u've been there...somehow..somewhere....

Syam--- my first ever SP rugby fren.... keep the loyar burukness rolling..

Addy and Othman--- Fuck you both very much.... (will this stop?)... My two fucked up frens with fucked up ideas which i seem to enjoy very much talking to...

Ian--- Yes....even though u are fucked up in arguments... u are still my fren.... nobody went through more escapades with me than u....u r the yin... i am the yang... life would be boring if u are the opposite...

Ngiap Kiang--- u arh... Darah(blood) up arh... brudder brudder... like to make me feel like strangling u rite?

Afini--- You are special....... enuff said...:D

I may not have many frens... but as yat said yesterday over sup tulang... Its better to keep lesser frens.... the more frens you have... the more you gotta please... its the quality..not the quantity..

Rangers led the way at 8/31/2004 10:09:00 AM Friday, August 27, 2004

Nike Air Pegasus 2004

My pearly whites on my feet. The most worth it shoe from Nike to buy. If you guys want a Nike shoe, stay away from anything other than those in the Bowerman series. Bowerman Series are super high quality. The Peg is very cushy, better than my climacools, and after a 30min run(which i couldnt do in my Climacools without pain in the knees), my feet were pretty ok...(my legs are like LEGO by the way). The only complaint is that it would be cool to have it a bit more stable like Asics shoes and my old Mizuno Precisions..other than that...it is super worth it... 104 bucks after discount at Sports Interlink queensway btw....

Rangers led the way at 8/27/2004 04:34:00 PM Wednesday, August 04, 2004

The grass is greener on the other side

well then, supervisor meeting was pretty ok... thought he was pissed or something.. but nah... went to eat at foodcourt 1 just now with Ian and Ngiap.... and as Ian would say since 8am... the grass is greener on the other side.... somehow i think Ngiap is pregnant with his unrelenting hunger... been listening to subliminal verses as if it were some holy tome... will be putting out a review on it soon... once my brain starts working again..

Rangers led the way at 8/04/2004 07:46:00 PM Tuesday, August 03, 2004

I'm marvelling on the invention of the thumbdrive..lol.suakoo...so convenient....hmm...what have i been doing lately?...FYP...NWI(which in the end the bandwidth was overkill)..and lazing around...nothing much.....sian sian...pretty bored arh..dunnoz y also..but then again..i might know why..lol....anywaes...got too many things on my mind to put in words....gonna stone for awhile before sleeping

Rangers led the way at 8/03/2004 09:54:00 PM
I never saw a wild thing
sorry for itself
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself
                                                                                   -D.H. Lawrence

designed by Nur Indra Bin Yahaya