Saturday, February 05, 2005


Whirlwind suffrage
of endless thoughts
scratching life's buttcrack
to seek answer to accumulating boogers....
Pick the one that is most commonly shaded
in life's neverending answer sheet......

Rangers led the way at 2/05/2005 08:23:00 PM Thursday, February 03, 2005

Screaming from the Sky by Slayer...
I stalk close in from above
Silent wings will test your faith
Death will never hear me pass
Launch attack you're too late
I hear flak inside my head
Deafening thunder cities burn
Carpet-bombing laid to waste
Throwned inside a death mask
Holy cross embedded in your tomb
Casualties are buried through your mind
Certain death is screaming from the sky
I live to destroy below
Hunted victims are unseen
Flying wrath a fortress hell
War machine to kill all
I leave carnage in my wake
Choking bleeding for your life
Faceless prey has been erased
Silence reigns you're dead now
Holy cross embedded in your tomb
Casualties are buried through your mind
Certain death is screaming from the sky

Rangers led the way at 2/03/2005 10:42:00 AM

Angel Of Death by Slayer....

Pumped with fluid, inside your brain
Pressure in your skull begins pushing through your eyes
Burning flesh, drips away
Test of heat burns your skin, your mind starts to boil
Frigid cold, cracks your limbs
How long can you last
In this frozen water burial?
Sewn together, joining heads
Just a matter of time
’til you rip yourselves apart
Millions laid out in their
Crowded tombs
Sickening ways to achieve
The holocaust
Seas of blood, bury life
Smell your death as it burns
Deep inside of you
Abacinate, eyes that bleed
Praying for the end of
Your wide awake nightmare

ps....theyre excerpts....actual songs are fooking long...

Rangers led the way at 2/03/2005 10:40:00 AM

Vermillion by slipknot
I'm a slave, and I am a master
No restraints and, unchecked collectors
I exist throught my name, to self ablige
She is something in me, the darkness finds

Rangers led the way at 2/03/2005 10:37:00 AM Friday, January 21, 2005

I'm going to BMT!! YEAHHHHHHH!!
HOOOOYAHHHH plot my course

Officer route
Go Ranger Course

The "god-forbid but i dont mind specialist route"(i hope i wont have to go here)
Go Ranger Course

well...pretty happy that i got into army....muahahahhahahhaha

Rangers led the way at 1/21/2005 11:44:00 AM Tuesday, January 18, 2005

In todays episode..........
Chest day...
nothing much arh...benchpress....dumbell benchpress....incline benchpress...flys...tricep extension...tricep curl...normal thingies.....

then me and Senthil ran to Ngee Ann Poly from Sp....
reached the cross junction b4 Maju camp...we then sprinted to NP's bus stop...
anywaes...normal thingies...if not for the moon rising...we'd have gone up Bukit Timah hill too....maybe if we started running earlier.....

i'm getting sick of tuna,.....yes i am...but heck care arh...just eat...

Rangers led the way at 1/18/2005 10:56:00 PM Monday, January 17, 2005

mental note....never shall i do clean and jerk without a belt....

back pain like a motherfuck sia...

anywaes....weight today got up to 77..thanks to last saturdays dinner and nachos...'ll go back to 75 by friday...

anywaes....beginning to get sick uh.... keep eating 1 can of tuna in water each evening for dinner....mabuk can vomit already....but anywaes...good things dont taste good...

nothing much arh....just wanna gripe oni..

Rangers led the way at 1/17/2005 09:17:00 PM Friday, January 14, 2005

my birthday coming in 2 months time...
heres my wishlist...

1. Get into Army
2. Earn the right to go OCS after sispec if not go a Guards Batt after sispec arh..but choy arh...must go OCS....must must....
3. A bottle of branched chain amino acid (BCAA) supplements(pills preferably...gnc got sell optimum nutrition ones...365 pills..70-80 bucks i think)
4. A zippo lighter in Olive Drab colour...
5. Everyone around me to be happy..

Rangers led the way at 1/14/2005 09:36:00 PM

okok...i make new post k?
anyweas...went prayers...
then go skool...relak outside gym till ramesh open the gym....went to bottom gym and checked my weight...
75kg!!!!!!wooooooooot....5 more kg to go..harharhar...
Senthil say i got nice chest...
but small still doesnt matter..
anywaes...been running alot this week...weight steadily decreasing..packing on lean mass...
been eating alot of canned tuna....*blows into face*...smell that fish?..
anywaes...lets see...
ran around pte housing at dover twice...
then the gym...
2 sets 10 reps 40kg barbell benchpress...( not including the bar arh...the bar as Guo Rong told me bar is about 20kg....)
3 sets 10 reps 20kg dumbells benchpress
3 sets 10 reps 17.5kg dumbells inclined benchpress(i'd do 20kg...but hurt my shoulder last wednesday....the flesh around the area is very "masak")
3 sets 10 reps reverse barbell curl....2.5kg, 5kg, 7.5kg...
3 sets 10 reps concentration curls...7.5kg...10kg...10kg...
2 sets 10 reps 10kg french curls
3 sets 8 reps 10kg preacher curl using hammer barbell..
3 sets 10 reps tricep extension at pullover machine..40kg, 60kg and 60kg
3 sets 10 reps cable crossovers....10kg...12.5kg...12.5kg...

pretty ok arh....considering i hurt my back during wednesday's shoulder day....

Rangers led the way at 1/14/2005 09:16:00 PM Friday, January 07, 2005

I close my eyes, only for a moment, and the moment's gone
All my dreams, pass before my eyes, a curiosity
Dust in the wind, all they are is dust in the wind.
Same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do, crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see

Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind

Don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away, and all your money won't another minute buy.

Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind
Dust in the wind, everything is dust in the wind.

Rangers led the way at 1/07/2005 01:20:00 PM Thursday, January 06, 2005

Dear Mr Frank Low....
I just find ure lessons boring and i'd rather sleep....thanks for the tips though...but i think u are trying too hard...
Dear Mr Nazeer...
Thanks for everything...thanks for being a steady

Dear Mr Teo(or Toh..whatever)
Thanks for teaching wat seems to be a tough subject...but i think u are trying too hard to make other students like u when they dont wanna help themselves...

Dear Mr Choo..
Wahlao eh....thanks for the confidence building...and whatever u did for the sake of JAVA....

Dear Dr Thian..
Thanks for being a kick ass supervisor and putting up to us(me and Ian) getting lost in SP somehow...

Dear Mr Neo...
Thanks for opening the project lab late for us that 1 thursday nite..

Dear Ian...
thanks for putting up my shit during last semester...and i'd like to thank myself for the shit i given u...thanks for all the nites and days for our projects...there was never inter-member conflict in our be happy for that..

Dear Ngiap...
thanks for putting up with my stupidity for the whole semester....anywaes...we got our projects done right without much personal conflict so should be happy abt that....sori i peeed on ure

Rangers led the way at 1/06/2005 10:15:00 AM Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Chernobyl Power Supply unit disaster has been averted....will update as soon as possible...

Rangers led the way at 1/04/2005 08:14:00 PM Saturday, November 27, 2004

Well then..there goes the week..
went bumming with my 2 favourite groupies Ngiap and Ian..and discovered the joy of Gelato eating and walking in the rain...sianlah u noe...hmm...dumz de dumz...sit at around downstairs...nothing new really...

oh yuh...i cracked my watch's glass casing..dunno if they sell replacements.........sian sian sian....

Rangers led the way at 11/27/2004 01:12:00 PM Wednesday, November 24, 2004

2 sweetest words i've heard in ages....


results are as follows..

Negotiation Skills B
Internet Application Development B
Network Infrastructure B+
Mobile Communications C+

hope Ian and Ngiap passed too..
Couldnt have passed the exams without them......


Rangers led the way at 11/24/2004 08:36:00 AM Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Results tommoroe.....frozen scared...
Frank Low hates me cos i sleep too much in class...but hey..cant blame me...its held on friday and is the last class of the day...

Ah Choo better pass me....make me lose hair onli trying to solve his JAVA charades.... for Mr Teo....i think he is great arh...helped me alot....hope to pass his paper...

fuck arh....for crying out loud...i wanna work!!!!!!!!

Rangers led the way at 11/23/2004 09:25:00 AM Saturday, November 20, 2004

Robot Jox
Robot Jox...a forgotten childhood memory...if anyone could grab a hold of this VCD.....lend it to me can?....damned old classic....

Rangers led the way at 11/20/2004 10:19:00 AM Friday, November 19, 2004

People usually take advantage of whatever life they lead. Over the past few weeks, I've grown to appreciate life more that I don't mind dying. People mostly label me as bitter, alone, that kinda guy but I appreciate the little things that make my life special. I'm happy to say that the 3 close friends that I have, have actually make my life more complete than 100 or more friends that other people have. I don't really ask anything more. People usually take advantage of the littlest things that other people would like to have like family, money, friends and love. I turned down a 6 dollar an hour job to catch up with my life. Enjoy whatever free time that I have. Discover lost youth and everything fun, well...won't expect you readers to understand.........

Rangers led the way at 11/19/2004 07:45:00 PM Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Hari Raya

Nothing special arh...
we shall begin with the days leading up to raya first...
Spent the mornings getting all the foodstuffs ready...peeling craploads of onions...chopped dried chillis into different patterns for different dishes...cut meat...chopped lemon grass into fine pieces...squeezed coconut juice from coconuts....alot arh...too many to type...good thing is that i cooked the rendang...last year i follow wat my dad said..this year up my rank abit to cook without supervision....... news i had in months.....snobbish relatives from malaysia not coming....ahh confrontation with the posh, loaded and lazy....

bad news 1 less cousin to spend it with.....may god comfort your soul...amen..

anywho...went to 2nd Aunts place...(Auntie Zainon)....met my cousin who is in TRACOM...been curious abt the the SPF's elite pretty much interested in the dog unit.....wooof woof.....*bite his balls off!!go get him!!!*..well...wont pollute my mind with police stuffs....(in this house starts the munching of a certain kind of chocolate cookie with chocolate rice)

then off we went to 1st Aunts place...(Cikgu Zaiton)...this is where we ate a whole lot....and i continued eating the same cookies as in the 1st house....drank lotsa coke too.....end up force puking in the toilet cos i wanna eat again at the other 3 houses....

then off we went to 1st Aunt's, husband's elder sister's place...(Nenek Rokiah) i ate my first bowl of lontong of the day...and loadsa chicken too...

after that....we went to my grandparent's place....ate abit due to the horror that is to come out of the night..met cousin ashriq and listen to his plot to transfer course due to the lack of chicks....

we then proceed to the last house...Mak Long's place...(dunno how she is related to me...guess one of my grandparent's the cousin or something) is where the horror starts....ate loadsa my luck..they served alot of chicken thighs in red sauce(Ayam Masak Merah for u melayu speakers)....ate and ate...and they have loadsa animals at their hamsters and fishes that amass to a total of 10 000 dollars....

total collection of money......abt 70bucks.....
oklah..pretty much expected..wat to do....old already......
will update again.....hehz...

Rangers led the way at 11/17/2004 07:48:00 PM

I find this paintwork of the Hayabusa very

Rangers led the way at 11/17/2004 07:42:00 PM Tuesday, November 09, 2004

ahh...i got my sof sole graphite orthotic already....i feel satisfied Pegs are finally stable..anywaes...raya around the money money........

Rangers led the way at 11/09/2004 08:23:00 AM Friday, November 05, 2004 Internet Explorer has an extra toolbar....arrrrgh...busting my brains trying to take it out...

Rangers led the way at 11/05/2004 09:13:00 PM

1 reason why Bush will not fail.....


Rangers led the way at 11/05/2004 05:50:00 PM Thursday, November 04, 2004

school is over!!!
ehehehe...provided i pass that is...
anywaes...went shopping with ngiap and ian just contemplating on getting a drawstring pants or leather shoes...
figuring out what to wear the dark blue shirt with.,.....
thanks u two for going out with me...hehehe...anywaes.....tommoroe is friday...probably clean up my bed...go downstairs run abit..send the kiddies to skool....and i'm planning to make bubur chacha...hehehe

Rangers led the way at 11/04/2004 10:45:00 PM Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Rangers led the way at 11/03/2004 02:12:00 PM

Ngiap's haircut isnt Marine Corp haircut

this is the haircut mainly used by the Marine Corps and Ranger Battalions...called the high and tight and also called the mohawk... if u want it..... tell the barber zero at the side and back(for the whitewalls)... two at the top(for the landing strip)... used bcos of its garangness...u can have one at the top to get a finish like that of the first picture

ngiap's haircut is not marine corp standard... its more to soldier gonna finish NS or reservist kinda haircut.... u can still pull his hair u noe.....just needed to put in proof bcos u are stubborn Ian..

Rangers led the way at 11/03/2004 01:50:00 PM Monday, October 25, 2004

More Puffy Amiyumi

Rangers led the way at 10/25/2004 08:12:00 PM

They're the band who plays the Teen Titans theme

Rangers led the way at 10/25/2004 08:10:00 PM

One of my cousin's died....Fahmi...died due to a of those hopeless conditions where no help can be given...well at least he lived a happy last month on earth as his dad,my youngest uncle, spent alot of time with him...out of all my fucked up snobbish relatives in Malaysia..his family was the most nicest of them all...very close to ground i guess...well..feel sorry though for them..cos he is onli 14(age around there arh)..

Rangers led the way at 10/25/2004 06:44:00 PM Sunday, October 24, 2004

End of Days

Exams are a coming... the final days muahahahaha!!!! Still to receive the enlistment letter.. Hope to get into Army... Makes my life easier that way... hmm exams....first paper on thursday.. IAD.. the most serious paper of this semester unlike the others... dunnolah... been studying chapters here and there...jumping here and there...skipping a chapter or two... having a case of study as and where i wanna study syndrome.. well to tell u honestly... God is sitting out on these exams...BUT!!!! god better help me get into the Army..

Sic Vis Pacum Parabellum...

Rangers led the way at 10/24/2004 09:33:00 AM Thursday, October 21, 2004

Research have shown that if something is thrown, it would most likely hit something else.

Researchers from proclaimed Mexican University, University of El Idiotos Populos , have found out that if an object was to be thrown at any direction, it would more likely than not, hit something. This breakthrough in the field of Stupidity Mechanics has created pandemonium amongst the teaching staff of the university. One professor, a Dr El Stupidos Mypapi, has commented, "This has been the greatest break through of this generation. We(the teaching staff) have actually discovered what could be a solution to the global oil crisis. We might even win the Nobel Prize!"

Well this journalist is still scratching his head on the discovery of the well known Mexican University.

Written by Nur Indra Bin Yahaya (head journalist of Useless-News-Around-the-World Times

Rangers led the way at 10/21/2004 11:32:00 PM Wednesday, October 20, 2004

In the following order....
1. NWI project is over...
2. IAD project is over...
3. Negotiation skills project is over...
4. MOBC project is over...
5. FYP is over...
5. Negotiation skills final test is over...
Now left with one more week of school...and 3 exam papers.....harharharharhar

Rangers led the way at 10/20/2004 07:59:00 PM Saturday, October 16, 2004

On the 2nd day of fasting...hmm...i'm cooking chicken rice rite now....was thinking of cooking macaroni goreng tommoroe too...hmm...decisions decisions...well...on fasting month..the cooking responsibility usually falls to i'm too lazy to clean the the rest clean the house...and i just do all the eh...heheh...sianla really....slept alot today....

Rangers led the way at 10/16/2004 06:44:00 PM Friday, October 15, 2004

This week is the most enjoyable week of this semester...
IAD project is officially over...
Lab tests are officially over...
MOBC project is officially over...
Negotiation Skills roleplay is officially over...
NAPFA test is over....
well...happy arh....hehehehe.....about everything is over.....

Rangers led the way at 10/15/2004 06:00:00 PM Thursday, October 14, 2004

NAPFA test results...

2.4km run - 11.46mins (2 points) D grade
Shuttle run - 9.27secs (5 points) A grade
Sit & reach - 40cm (3 points) C grade
Standing Broad Jump - 220cm (2 points) D grade
Pull-ups - 5 (2 points) D grade
Sit-ups - 50 (5points) A grade

For Silver, At least a D for all stations and total of 15 or more points

Total points i achieved:
2 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 5 = 19 POINTS

I have a SILVER AWARD!!!!!

Rangers led the way at 10/14/2004 10:35:00 PM Wednesday, October 13, 2004

IAD is over...IAD is over...IAD is over...IAD is over...

Rangers led the way at 10/13/2004 01:35:00 PM Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I am bored...bored to the max...left MOBC project to do....what a Poly-life it has been...hmm...well..sian la really...sleepy too...haiz..dunnolah..nothing memorable to write

Rangers led the way at 10/12/2004 08:52:00 PM

IAD aka Java Kill All project is officially over...muahahahhahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rangers led the way at 10/12/2004 07:55:00 PM Sunday, October 10, 2004

Today ish my turn to cook for the family...
on the menu..
1. Sotong Masak Hitam
2. Sambal Belacan Kangkong...
3. Roasted Chicken....

Rangers led the way at 10/10/2004 02:07:00 PM

Christmas (Hari Raya) wishlist....

Asics Gel-1090
I wear US size 9.5 or UK size 8.5.
About 120 bucks at SportsInterLink Queensway

Man United Home Jersey
About 70-80 bucks at Queensway Shopping Centre

BlackHawk 3-day assault pack
About 200-300 bucks at Sheares, Beach Road

in the case that the shoe is out of your of these insoles would do..btw..i am wearing US size 9.5 or UK size 8.5 shoes..

Sof Sole Graphite Orthotic

Sof Sole Stable Trac

Sof Sole Motion Control
These 3 insoles cost ard 30 to 40(maybe more for the Graphite Orthotic) bucks at World of Sports or Royal Sporting House

well actually...if you can get me the insoles...i'll be happy like a fat kid loves cake...the rest i don't really care much...but would be willing to accept(hehehe)...just the insoles would would solve all my Plantar Fasciitis problems...

Rangers led the way at 10/10/2004 11:48:00 AM Friday, October 08, 2004

now i am wondering where the bee that was in NWI class went to..

Rangers led the way at 10/08/2004 08:34:00 PM

Surprise surprise surprise...

1. Project lab didnt open..1 simple phrase... kan ni na...
2. Fell asleep in NWI....
3. Got the gym key from Senthil, met Guorong...and met Ranger Steve..
4. Took the bus home..
5. Makciks are idiots..
6. People just know how to push in a crowded bus
7. 1 simple phrase to sum up the bus ride..Chao Chee Bye!!

Rangers led the way at 10/08/2004 08:12:00 PM

Triumph Daytona 600

I would not call this a sportbike or a superbike..This is a musclebike...

Rangers led the way at 10/08/2004 08:16:00 AM

well..the 2.4 run this morning was to say the least..reach the 4th lap....lungs cannot wanna drop bt 12mins of suffering can be tolerated..and will be tolerated..... ran 2 mins for the last lap and still had to do 2 more laps in 2 mins each... the inspiration came from a conversation me and Hidayat had while running towards Ngee Ann Poly... relaxation in breathing... proper play of footwork at certain parts of the course... squeezing and releasing of my fist during the run to soothe my sore shoulder...all of them pieced together as one...was pretty happy....but space for more gotta remember to poop b4 my run... now for my year long goal of 11mins30secs....

Going for the GOLD

Rangers led the way at 10/08/2004 07:23:00 AM

In today's 2.4km time trial.....the honest swear to god timing is......
0:12:00 hrs....or more accurately as told by my paid by Ngiap watch was done in 12 mins 00 seconds.. 37 milliseconds...

Happy that i:
did each lap within 2 mins...
recovered from a slow start..

Unhappy that i:
did not do it within 11mins 30seconds..
had stomach ache in lap 3...

Next time trial would be tommoroe morning...

Rangers led the way at 10/08/2004 07:09:00 AM Thursday, October 07, 2004

Brian Deegan of the Metal Mulisha's Honda CR250

Chrome on a fucking scrambler..

Rangers led the way at 10/07/2004 08:47:00 PM

Suzuki GSXR600 or more commonly called the Gixxer 6

Purr Baby purr....

Rangers led the way at 10/07/2004 08:37:00 PM

At now...tired abit...well..the ending of today's episode is very bland i guess......probably eat....think abit on the last 2 components of our IAD project...and walah.....sleep...i'll update again b4 i sleep when i have something to let the whole world know

Rangers led the way at 10/07/2004 08:31:00 PM

let me tell u a tale
called IAD project
JAVA and SQL are comparatively dumb languages when compared to other languages like C and python and things like that. Well.. the IAD project is pretty ok i guess...except that Mr Choo gave us mock problems to solve.. This results in more coding.. and when more coding is added to "more coding" that we have... troubleshooting is a damned headache...right now...its really giving me a damned headache...there are too many exceptions in out user registration..and when the sql is supposed to update the table it doesnt and vice versa...consider this...u show an error msg to me..i understand...but y still update the table when there is an wtf rite?

Rangers led the way at 10/07/2004 01:31:00 PM Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Mental note..i gotta shave my facial hair..i dont mind having facial hair...but it grows patchy...

Rangers led the way at 10/06/2004 02:06:00 PM

haiz....IAD....can take it upper the ass...tired u so much..then need to do more..leh mati registration can do.. but when i put a special character error or IC number error...the site just hang...leh mati u noe....interview also not done...lagi can give me like this tell

Rangers led the way at 10/06/2004 01:27:00 PM Tuesday, October 05, 2004

In todays episode of Days of Our Lives...well today got not episode really..
I can't really foresee anything happening today..
hmm..went to NS class....nothing much...just boring..dont really look forward to NS class...wat a waste of waking up going to MOBC classes...2 weeks never also i end up sleeping for wat right?
hmm anywho......i really dunno wat to write

breakfast was marshmallow alpha bits...then i got dad to send me to serangoon mrt and poof...i end up in skool..

abit tired cos slept late...was waiting for a reply on my hp..dozed off on the living room sofa...well..that was that...

Rangers led the way at 10/05/2004 10:41:00 AM Monday, October 04, 2004

well then...woke up at 6...then slept again till 9...ate my alpha bits and went to get some groceries for a while....then i rolled my ciggarete...showered...and getting ready for skool...ahh yes...unusual calmness..IAD...heck care liao...fyp...aiyah fuck lar...left MOBC which i expect wayne to do cos i need to bury the dead brain cells in my brain from last week's submission...can die i guess..but nah...gonna enjoy this week abit...meeting yat later for training..dumz de dumz..probably go home early..younger bro having exams soon and he is super hopeless....

Rangers led the way at 10/04/2004 11:05:00 AM Sunday, October 03, 2004

Internet Application Development 28 Oct 2004 9-11.10am

Network Infrastructure 1 Nov 2004 9-11.10am

MOBC 2 Nov 2004 6-8.10pm

Rangers led the way at 10/03/2004 02:59:00 PM

In today's episode...i went to the cemetary to pay my respects and clean up my mum's grave...and my grandparents too...

7 years has passed...mum died of stage 4 cancer...anywaes...unlike other cancer patients who are fighting to mum wholly prepared to die...she too prepared the family as well...prepared me especially to be a resourceful son...eversince i was born...SGH was like a 2nd home to times she was at home..she'd teach me how to cook, wash clothes go to the wet market and get stuffs throughout my childhood...unlike others my age who went around doing their kiddy things with frens...anywaes...when my mum didnt hit me as a disaster since i was prepared for the "occasion" by my wasnt so bad unlike others who mourn and goes on...

now that i am 20 years old..its like lost childhood i many things i havent done...that kinda thing...but i'm not complaining i guess.. most ppl take advantage of mums...mum buy this,mum buy that...mum go on and so forth....haiz....if onli they knew... mum's grave was slightly waterlogged...the structure is like this...picture a muslim grave built on a slight slope...with concrete poured around it and to top it off...carpet grass is laid on top of it...i was like...nabei lar!!! stop putting carpet grass can or not?....the graveyard ppl really suck man...everytime put....where not fed covered in muddy water from my waste down trying to cangkul(digging) the carpet grass out...anywaes...well worth it...fascinated by the water flowing down..anywaes...after that....wiped the mud off my pants...and proceeded to Victory at jalan sultan where oldest aunt(whom i call Mummy) treat everyone breakfast/lunch....then went off home....the

Rangers led the way at 10/03/2004 01:54:00 PM Saturday, October 02, 2004

In today's episode of Days of our lives

washed my hands off the IAD project...thank you guys for working together...

anywaes...started the day with washing my shoes....while i was trying to submerge my Pegs into the kept floating back up without fail...spent a couple of minutes trying to dunk the thing in...but to no avail...then i was hit by inner voice said,"Nike Air lar to not float...whole sole got air bag....." malu sia

then off to washing my last year hari raya shoe....some classic skate shoe of sorts...wear oni once..then never touch again...
picture this scenario.... an Aliens movie happening in both pair of shoes....infestation sia...cockroaches...and their eggs.....i was then armed with my Baygon pulse rifle(sci fi abit arh...Baygon spray dont sound nice) and eradicated the little dumb fucks...then started sraping the eggs and cockroach poop off...wat a day mans.....anywaes...other than that...nothing interesting......well....laterz..

Rangers led the way at 10/02/2004 10:19:00 PM Thursday, September 23, 2004

My classmates know me as someone who is most of the time couldnt be bothered with studying for tests and exams but always someone who manages to pass miraculously. The secret is easy actually. Its called luck. I'm lucky. I suffered so many failures in studies and in life that it has only become a speed bump. No'm still alive anyway.. but nobody sees the frantic behind the scenes view of me frantically flipping my fucking books.. nobody has seen the mess that is called notes in my bag... well... i just like to thank my excellent memory at picking up last minute details..

i like to gamble in my studies...unlike people who study everything...i spot questions (my brain can onli handle so much)...sometimes i get away with it....sometimes i dont...well.. the gamble goes on....

well.. cheers to more time wasting while others are studying..

Rangers led the way at 9/23/2004 01:52:00 PM Wednesday, September 15, 2004

the brand new ducati monster....the S2....

Rangers led the way at 9/15/2004 10:00:00 AM Monday, September 13, 2004

people usually blame technology when things fuck up and they cant do their work...

i abit triggerhappy.....posted the same post more than

Rangers led the way at 9/13/2004 10:36:00 AM

taking a break from studying multipath..headaches arh..havent slept in a day...subconscious thought taking over consciousness...think gonna fail this paper arh...well tough luck then.....seems pretty tired....had nothing much for breakfast except for milo...gooberz....and quail eggs though...wanna make ommellete...but...takes a whole lot of quail eggs to make a small one...well..memocube surmise that what i am having now is a torn pectoral muscle...and rest is the best thing to do..if it hurts means it is slowly tearing for the past few days didnt move much of the upper chest and my right collarbone....feel pretty ok got progress in the healing...gonna pay some bills later...and probably end the day with an easy run with Yat...and maybe some swimming too..

Rangers led the way at 9/13/2004 10:21:00 AM

taking a break from studying multipath..headaches arh..havent slept in a day...subconscious thought taking over consciousness...think gonna fail this paper arh...well tough luck then.....seems pretty tired....had nothing much for breakfast except for milo...gooberz....and quail eggs though...wanna make ommellete...but...takes a whole lot of quail eggs to make a small one...well..memocube surmise that what i am having now is a torn pectoral muscle...and rest is the best thing to do..if it hurts means it is slowly tearing for the past few days didnt move much of the upper chest and my right collarbone....feel pretty ok got progress in the healing...gonna pay some bills later...and probably end the day with an easy run with Yat...and maybe some swimming too..

Rangers led the way at 9/13/2004 10:21:00 AM

taking a break from studying multipath..headaches arh..havent slept in a day...subconscious thought taking over consciousness...think gonna fail this paper arh...well tough luck then.....seems pretty tired....had nothing much for breakfast except for milo...gooberz....and quail eggs though...wanna make ommellete...but...takes a whole lot of quail eggs to make a small one...well..memocube surmise that what i am having now is a torn pectoral muscle...and rest is the best thing to do..if it hurts means it is slowly tearing for the past few days didnt move much of the upper chest and my right collarbone....feel pretty ok got progress in the healing...gonna pay some bills later...and probably end the day with an easy run with Yat...and maybe some swimming too..

Rangers led the way at 9/13/2004 10:21:00 AM Saturday, September 04, 2004

feeling wasted today...after a whole day of brain can onli process getProperty this...response.encodeURL that andpublic void.setfirstName the twilight zone....toodoododoodoodoodoodoo ala twilight zone theme song thingy....

had roughly the whole day to myself since everybody went out.....nothing much arh...watched fucked up shows on cable...and surfed fucked up things on the net....well....i've rearranged my computer table.....hardcore sia....the whole table is occupied by the monitor.... the casing and key board is at a pull out drawer(which has rollers) basically i cant see wat i type cos my hands are under the table most of the time... hardcore eh?....Wahlannnnehh ala ChewYewBeng....well....spacious arh now...can eat on my pc hw on my pc much fucking need to go to the kitchen and study no more.. a fine add-on would be a mini fridge....full of 100 plus...heheheh.....well then... puasa is next fucking month....omfg....the last ever paid-Hari Raya for me....ahahahaha....sian sian sian.............hmm...there is this ramp thingy built at the multi purpose field just now..for that glider show thingy....well....all it needed is some snow and u can see me jumping off that ramp.....

anyways.....the layout of the computer at home was pretty nabeicheebye to say the least this morning...the fact that i have to pull out the whole drawer thingy loosened some had to rearrange the important crap cables properly so it wont die out again like this morning.....

Rangers led the way at 9/04/2004 09:21:00 PM Friday, September 03, 2004

The University of Blogging

Presents to
Nur Indra

An Honorary
Bachelor of
Psychotic Ranting

Majoring in
Cheesey Memes


Blogging Degree

Rangers led the way at 9/03/2004 10:18:00 PM Tuesday, August 31, 2004

When you are caught in between heaven and hell, make them both suffer.

"The act of dying is one of the acts of life."- Marcus Aurelius

4 long years of guts and glory brought me nothing but trouble. Red cards, yellow cards, a LEGO set for a body, the lack of my own free time. Its hard to contemplate why I actually bothered to train so much in rugby.

To all u assholes....

Perut boncit man(some of u will noe)-- u r an idiot...enuff said...may u lead an unhealthy homosexual life of sucking far superior people's penises...

Mama step mat salleh main kat padang bunuh incentre sendiri(most of u will noe)-- Enuff said lah.. gay-ego factor so high... dont recognise that you are black..

Bush--- I dunno y..2 words.. Fuck you...I just hate you... Uber Idiotos Stupidos..did i mention fuck you?

Wan Yang--- Lu act terrer onli... Otak lembabnyer budak.... more to takde otaknyer budak.. y u are born...i dunno y... y u even think the way u think... i even dunno y...<(EXPLICIT CONTENT)CENSORED(EXPLICIT CONTENT)> happens to u so that u make up ure fucking ideas and stop being like a pre-pubescent undeveloped wet booger..(mean eh me?Standard... Indra what..) (oh yuh...btw... i dont respect most people.... respect is earned... not given...)

Charbors who treated me like crap--- well....dont say i didnt try.... dont say i wasnt nice... but sometimes...u r all weird with ure "Oh I am holy... i can do watever i want" and "oh u are not cool enuff like mats" attitudes ... as inhumane and homicidally different as i am to ure "kind"... i still have feelings...

to those that know me well....

Mahesh--- Fuck you very much.... hehehe... the closest friend i have ever had sometimes i feel like he is the onli fren i have.... sometimes... living up to your expectations is a burden... but i try... never giving up...

Hidayat--- Fuck you very much.... hehehe(again)... my partner in crime... sometimes i'm not there to chill with u... dont take it to seriously la... i got to do things too u noe..

Epit--- well...even though i dont talk to u that much..... u've been there...somehow..somewhere....

Syam--- my first ever SP rugby fren.... keep the loyar burukness rolling..

Addy and Othman--- Fuck you both very much.... (will this stop?)... My two fucked up frens with fucked up ideas which i seem to enjoy very much talking to...

Ian--- Yes....even though u are fucked up in arguments... u are still my fren.... nobody went through more escapades with me than u....u r the yin... i am the yang... life would be boring if u are the opposite...

Ngiap Kiang--- u arh... Darah(blood) up arh... brudder brudder... like to make me feel like strangling u rite?

Afini--- You are special....... enuff said...:D

I may not have many frens... but as yat said yesterday over sup tulang... Its better to keep lesser frens.... the more frens you have... the more you gotta please... its the quality..not the quantity..

Rangers led the way at 8/31/2004 10:09:00 AM Friday, August 27, 2004

Nike Air Pegasus 2004

My pearly whites on my feet. The most worth it shoe from Nike to buy. If you guys want a Nike shoe, stay away from anything other than those in the Bowerman series. Bowerman Series are super high quality. The Peg is very cushy, better than my climacools, and after a 30min run(which i couldnt do in my Climacools without pain in the knees), my feet were pretty ok...(my legs are like LEGO by the way). The only complaint is that it would be cool to have it a bit more stable like Asics shoes and my old Mizuno Precisions..other than is super worth it... 104 bucks after discount at Sports Interlink queensway btw....

Rangers led the way at 8/27/2004 04:34:00 PM Wednesday, August 04, 2004

The grass is greener on the other side

well then, supervisor meeting was pretty ok... thought he was pissed or something.. but nah... went to eat at foodcourt 1 just now with Ian and Ngiap.... and as Ian would say since 8am... the grass is greener on the other side.... somehow i think Ngiap is pregnant with his unrelenting hunger... been listening to subliminal verses as if it were some holy tome... will be putting out a review on it soon... once my brain starts working again..

Rangers led the way at 8/04/2004 07:46:00 PM Tuesday, August 03, 2004

I'm marvelling on the invention of the convenient....hmm...what have i been doing lately?...FYP...NWI(which in the end the bandwidth was overkill)..and lazing around...nothing much.....sian sian...pretty bored arh..dunnoz y also..but then again..i might know too many things on my mind to put in words....gonna stone for awhile before sleeping

Rangers led the way at 8/03/2004 09:54:00 PM Thursday, July 29, 2004

to the Rugby demise of NUR INDRA 2000-2004

quotable quotes which probably doesnt make sense over the past 4 years

*steps on opposition, hides behind Hamid* "Eh Mid, cover, later ref noe i step his face" -2003

"Rabak Mahesh!! Hamid panggil dorang, Primary School kids!!" *both started laughing like hyenas" -2003
" chase... i try to keep up" *pants like mad during a game* -2002

"I fucking scored"*gives a blur look to Marc..* 2-003

*Jumps around during Singapore Plate Finals* "Yeay!!!!" *suddenly collapses on the field* "Cramp!!!!!!!!" -2003

"Any dirty tricks for a jumper" *Indra says to Pat Knight* -2004

"Oh shit" *Romi gets concussed and the whole club management is searching for Indra who is hiding under an advertisement board hoping not to be played.. ends up getting sinbinned for a Jet Li Flying kick to National Winger David Ho* -2003

"*MOANS*" *Lying motionless on the ground after slamming into a stationary Mark DeBrincat* -2003


Rangers led the way at 7/29/2004 10:22:00 PM

...plays Broken by Amy Lee and Seether....

I leave this as a declaration of intent so no one will be confused......

1. I have officially quit RUGBY....

Rangers led the way at 7/29/2004 10:11:00 PM Thursday, July 22, 2004

Well then... Jason Hewlett's 3 minutes of hell is really tiring...haiz...managed to finish it in 2 mins 57
Anyways..haiz... heart to heart talk with Jamal...  and he told me that I am better off playing in Wanderers where my talent can be used as i can follow patterns really well.. well after hearing his story.. well i couldnt blame him for doing what he did.. anyways.. i respect ppl who taught me everything that i noe in rugby.. David Ho, Adin Ng, Redwan, Sammy Dale, Marc Leavers, Pat Knight, Cameron Torrance, Najib Musa, Jamal, Ismail Kadir, Ng Chee Keong, and not forgetting Bill Doherty.. for anyone whom i have left out......and thank your.. anywaes.. most of the 1st 15 from the div 1 team is back or coming back soon so we should be able to field a reasonable team in the coming few games.. now i understand why the club is named Wanderers... Saturday.. playing against SCC... pretty scared..cos after playing against them for 2 seasons....they are a very physical team..

Anyways..been jotting down lotsa things in my head... haiz sian sian.. wat to do wat to Arctica been a really good pleasure music though..can destress..haha... anywaes... STEVE is back!!! can play a proper mobile back row... well then bummer bummer... tommoroe friday..probably meet yat for some teh or something... got some admin stuff to do though.. bingitz...

Rangers led the way at 7/22/2004 11:41:00 PM Sunday, July 18, 2004

Yesterday would live in infamy....

I blame totally on myself during the my groove too a long and hard road ahead but i am confident things would be better......haiz...feel awful...but wat the heck...its too early in the season to put us out yet..

Rangers led the way at 7/18/2004 03:36:00 PM Friday, July 16, 2004

Saw Will Greenwood(Outcentre for England and NEC Harlequins) for the first time yesterday and trained with him abit.... he may look huge on TV but he is slightly taller than me....but boy he packs a punch...has his name written all over my was like....KAPOW!!!!.... pure technique and speed.........gets you flying...his running lines are superb......a fucking genius........ the Orks in Warhammer 40 000 always say....
ere we go...ere we go ere we go.....
back playing for the Wanderers this Saturday with a fresh backrow...well...gotta trust them i guess... RJC fellas..... wished Steve(Canadian No.8 from UWC SEA) is here..... we click psychically during games.... anyways against Bucks RFC... the last time i remembered playing them...we hammered them 90-0 with a try every few minutes).... but heard they started training damn early and as the saying goes Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance....
gonna hammer them again i guess... as the saying goes...I am a wanderer....I am a wanderer.......

Rangers led the way at 7/16/2004 11:32:00 AM Tuesday, July 13, 2004

hannar hannar i update k...happy?....anywaes....been fantasizing ma pay already....been gymming religiously now....weight is 78kg now compared to 90kg....okla....punisher in the biceps also coming out slowly...anywaes...been slacking alot with yat,add and man...pretty cool...blood i guess.....sian sian.......wednesday would probably be shoulders day...and yes..i am going to hate shoulders

Rangers led the way at 7/13/2004 03:11:00 PM Saturday, July 10, 2004

all hail me....all hail me...all hail me...

Rangers led the way at 7/10/2004 02:36:00 PM Sunday, May 09, 2004

well..exams over..haiz...can finally get some good sleep.. was thinking of gettin' a job.. well hopefully.. dumz de dumz.. gonna hand in FYP soon too... Poly life gonna be over in another semester...hahahaha... people grow up already u noe...hahaha

been catching up on my sims though.... pretty big house... planning to get a kid too big to be empty u noes.... pretty sian la..i seriously have no idea of wat to right here...well...i'll be back later with something worth reading...

Rangers led the way at 5/09/2004 12:06:00 PM Tuesday, May 04, 2004

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!!!!! my post didnt come out!!!!!!!!!! back from school...anywaes.... bah..!!

Rangers led the way at 5/04/2004 05:58:00 PM Friday, April 30, 2004

lol.... got in touch with a past hobby.... THE SIMS!!! lol....spent nites on end building fantasy houses leading my fantasy

Rangers led the way at 4/30/2004 05:56:00 PM Sunday, April 25, 2004

your fuck.

What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Rangers led the way at 4/25/2004 05:40:00 PM

Info Black
Your Heart is Black

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

Rangers led the way at 4/25/2004 05:39:00 PM

Rangers led the way at 4/25/2004 05:37:00 PM

Nihilist Bear
Nihilist Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Rangers led the way at 4/25/2004 05:35:00 PM Saturday, April 24, 2004

today...fucking boring la...sit at home onli...

feel bad cos i can't go MasterChief's BDAY bash....Happy Bday MChief.. wish u have many years of kicking ass and taking names in the future.... haiz....

Rangers led the way at 4/24/2004 09:17:00 PM

i think too much... mental note- shall not think too much.. sorry yat..

Rangers led the way at 4/24/2004 12:12:00 PM Wednesday, April 21, 2004

had 3 servings of 6 pills yesterday... fulamak... caffeine rush... but encountered some side-effects. Tell you all seriously.. body was fucking tired yesterday, but the psychological effects the pills gave were extreme... wanted to sleep but couldnt... simply stared into space for hours... ended up sleeping at 2am... i guess thats my supplementation threshold.. gonna stick to 1 serving of 2 pills on non-training days and 2 servings of 4 pills on training days.....

on the lighter side.... found out that sp rock climbers couldnt swim..hahaha

Patient data..

Name: Nur Indra Bin Yahaya
Age: 20
Classification: Maximus Jerkus Hetro Sapiens...
Brain Activity: Non-existent
Notes: Constant blabbering of unconcievable psycho-babble. Exudes proneness to barf from nothing. Walking contradiction in that he is a Tech genius who doesnt know what he is doing but manages to create miracles out of other peoples' tech fuck ups. Homophobic but definitely Pro-lesbians. Life-long dream is to be with his maternal mother again...

Rangers led the way at 4/21/2004 09:19:00 AM Sunday, April 18, 2004

lately i've put into thought of how and what i ate with a good amount of swimmin,runnin and working out... have to tell you, it feels good to lose weight.. have to admit onli after yat said that it is my body and not his, i began to actually listen to what my body needs... the tough part i guess is the binge eating part.. at first it was so hard to overcome but then after i actually got over it.. it was absolute heaven.. well started out at 90kg 2 weeks ago.. as of today...i'm floating ard 83 and 84 kg... well good i guess......:)... for all u ppl reading this.. its not abt ppl messing around with wat u eat... its about how and when u should eat... ahh yes.... confession... i had my first mug of ice cream yesterday in weeks..... lol....

Rangers led the way at 4/18/2004 12:00:00 PM

scroll down please...

Broad Jump (Cm)
and Reach (Cm)
X 10m Shuttle Run (Secs)
Run-Walk (Min:Sec)

































Gold Award: At least a C grade performance in all 6 test items and a total of 21 or more points

Oh the quest for gold.......... 8 months more....

Rangers led the way at 4/18/2004 09:40:00 AM Wednesday, April 14, 2004

was listening to Pulse of the Maggots by Slipknot. New single from their upcoming new album.. i shall rate it a disappointing 7 out of 10.. I guess a maturity of sound.. i think they are seriously turning into crap...
I liked the intro though... super catchy.... but gasp...midway there is a Slayer-style sia...anywaes...hope the other songs aint that bad...

Rangers led the way at 4/14/2004 04:08:00 PM Sunday, April 11, 2004

Introducing the Model V Raptor..

Feel inferior boy... feel inferior...

Rangers led the way at 4/11/2004 05:00:00 PM

well then..dumdefuckingdumz.. tommoroe lab test.. heng its open book.. bummer bummer... well then had roti and scrambled eggs for breakfast(breakfast of champions).. dad gonna cook some lauk lemak with fish.. well then here is the plan for tommoroe
1. Go skool as normal..
2. Watch Hellboy..
3. Go back school to swim.
4. Probably follow Yat for a run around clementi area

Menu for tommoroe... Homemade burger and a loaf of Banana Walnut bread

Rangers led the way at 4/11/2004 01:06:00 PM Saturday, April 10, 2004

I hate V-twins!!!
the sound of an inline-4 engine here

Rangers led the way at 4/10/2004 07:55:00 PM Friday, April 09, 2004


Tuono 125

Most probably gonna get one of these when i get my 2b license... which one u ppl think is nice? Tuono looks weird though. What do you ppl think?

Rangers led the way at 4/09/2004 02:39:00 PM

The Shape

Too tragic to stay with you
Too static to try for you
These scars, they swallow hard
The part of the past that's hollow and dark
Too horrid to kill for you
Too sordid to die with you
Unstable as always, come down
Everything else is just dust and sound

SEPARATE (I've lost my only way)
SEPARATE (I've lost my only way)
SEPARATE (I've lost my only way)
SEE THE SHAPE (Broken and thrown away)

I'd give it all away, come take it all away
You can't resent the fear
Somebody tell me how I got here
I'd give it all to you, come take it, it's all for you
The noise is so damn loud, but
Everything else is just dust and sound

I don't wanna do this anymore
Everything's shit - everything's been taken
Forsaken - gotta start it over cuz I'm hearing it
Backwards - DON'T make sense - DON'T feel better
Who's better? It's not that simple
You gotta figure it out before you make things difficult
It's not a word, it's a problem, the problem was easy
Draw your conclusions - solutions?
Anybody else wanna run?
Contorting, distorting - I am undone
One less propaganda nightmare fixture
Are you getting the picture?

Whats playing on my winamp? The Shape by Slipknot

Rangers led the way at 4/09/2004 11:52:00 AM

Ducati ss800 oooh i like........

Rangers led the way at 4/09/2004 10:02:00 AM

roar...just woke up.... feel bad though... supposed to control my diet... then ate Mee Goreng... haiz... Sori Yat... anywaes... yesterday had fun swimming... dunno how many laps... Hamid thought me how to be comfortable in the water... i guess can be said like our own version of drown-proofing.. then met Master Chief Mahesh or Sir Mahesh or Mahesh Lar.. lol.. talked abt things.. and stuffs like that.. anywaes... today... at nite plan to do a two miler...... thats my goal... if i am really serious... no half fuck gold award... wanna get a full fuck gold award...
Whats playing on my winamp? November Rain by Guns & Roses

Rangers led the way at 4/09/2004 09:52:00 AM Sunday, April 04, 2004

Indra's list of top 10 comic book characters
1. Venom
2. Batman
3. Carnage
4. Spawn
5. Fallen Angel
6. Green Lantern
7. Darkseid
8. Onslaught
10. Garfield
Whats playing on my winamp? Like an Angel by Yngwie Malmsteen

Rangers led the way at 4/04/2004 07:05:00 PM

The Cover of Fallen Angel issue 10

Rangers led the way at 4/04/2004 06:48:00 PM
well.. nothing much.. chatted with SzeYong and JungleHat from #Army.. pretty okla... nothing much.. had confirmation that 2nd Guards Batt will be recommisioned again.. made up of ADF ppl.. well dunno if this is good or bad... but i'll take it as good..

then chatted with Humz... contemplated on what Nasi Tomato is and her fear of Bio...

well then.... things to do tommoroe... pay fone bill... and relak.... probably join everyone for training... and considering to do my 2 miles in the morning.. anywaes... wats on the menu today... roti kaya in the morn... nasi with fish for lunch... mee goreng for dinner... ehem ehem... small portions *whistles* tommoroe is MMSP madness day.. gonna burn and burn and rot the whole fuckin' day...

Whats playing on my winamp? Faith of the Heart by Rod Stewart

Rangers led the way at 4/04/2004 06:42:00 PM

was watching the Clone Wars Microseries... Master Windoo is one mean ass SOB... had bread for breakkie...nothing special.. top on the list... try to revise my mmsp... which i really think is impossible.. well.. wat to do... hmmm nothing much arh.... nothing to write... or worth noting..

Whats playing on my winamp? Operation Dinner Out by Hans Zimmer

Rangers led the way at 4/04/2004 11:35:00 AM Saturday, April 03, 2004

dum de dum... finally get to talk with Humz.... talked abt wat she do... wat she ate yadayada... this and that.. nothing that u ppl may find interesting i guess...

on to our main topic.. y are siblings idiots who just are a burden to their elder sibling's life? haiz total waste of time when u are wasting ure time trying to help em but they are inconsiderate... haiz haiz... well.. spent the whole day internet-window-shopping for shoes... contemplating on a Mizuno racing shoe.. and a brand new climacool... onli time will tell.. lol.. gonna force myself to wake up at 4.30 and start running tommoroe.... tempo runs for me... kekekeke... dunno y.... just love tempo runs... wanna do plyometrics but i'm scared my ankles would give way.... and recently i have a sudden fear of shuttle runs.. scared that on the "pick up the wooden block" thingy my ankles just snap...

well...nothing special... guess u ppl have more interesting lives to rot in... well have funs..

Rangers led the way at 4/03/2004 05:46:00 PM

just got back.... 12am-ish.... feel bad thoughs... anywaes... hanged out with Red Cell and some of the BUD/s trainees... seems pretty ok arh... Mr Bush beginning to learn when to shutup... BUD/s trainees learning not to fuck around with the fucker.. anyweas... the day was cool...very cool cos of the rain.. we exited the architectural exit thingy and ran all the way up to buona vista where the longkang thingy is located out... we ran the long winding 2km stretch.... i think in total we ran abt 5 clicks... pretty ok arh... first time i wear my climacools for a long run...seemed comfy... not problematic on my sensitive soles just now.. well seriously nothing much.... pretty much bummed the whole day

haiz... sian la....dum de dum... next week....everyone else last week of school... i still have 1 more semester... bummers... why did i retain?... oh yuh... wanted to play rugby.....

Rangers led the way at 4/03/2004 12:33:00 AM Thursday, April 01, 2004

I'm really tired thinking about my lack of time...things like that.. i'll update more later.

Rangers led the way at 4/01/2004 08:26:00 PM

my new bloggy woggy

Rangers led the way at 4/01/2004 08:24:00 PM
I never saw a wild thing
sorry for itself
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself
                                                                                   -D.H. Lawrence

designed by Nur Indra Bin Yahaya